
At this point, most of you have heard of Airbnb, and if you are like me, it is a staple for both last minute and extended stay travel.  Imagine that but without the COST!

What is couchsurfing?

Couchsurfing is a Facebook/AirBnB hybrid that lets you fill out a profile including your photo and your life mission, places you traveled, and even what you can offer the host in exchange for your stay.  Don't get all weirded out.  It doesn't have to be THAT kind of "offer".  

Couchsurfing a community of like minded wanderers that open their homes, or are looking for a couch to sleep on, from all over the world.  As long as you generally plan to spend some time with your host, be it drinks, just a chat, dinner or seeing the sights, you can usually build a sort of family/community, and crash for free. 

How do i use it?

Similar to Facebook, there are surfer groups, ranging from cat lovers to foodies.  Honestly, some of them are a bit "out there", but whatever floats your personal boat, you can find a community of surfers!  I have "offered" my home with a simple status change to "Accepting Guests", not that many people are in a rush to stay in my suburb of Chicago.  Your profile status alerts potential surfers and tells them what you are offering during their visit to your 'hood, whether it is meeting for a drink, showing them around town, just giving directions or assistance or opening a couch or whole room.  You decide what you are open to/for!


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Couchsurfing offers city meetups so you can feel a bit more comfortable "knowing" other surfer communities and get acclimated.  I have been a member for about 5 years and have never really gotten out and used the surfing community yet.  The last trip to Amsterdam was the first time I seriously considered surfing; there were THOUSANDS of options in Amsterdam, alone.  

Is couchsurfing safe?

Being real, some vetting WILL be required to find a place,  and you will want to read the fine print or requirements for your stay at a particular home.  Amsterdam had a lot of nudist hosts, so the requirement was that you be nude the duration of your stay in their homes.  That may be weird to some, or home to others.  Find YOUR tribe and feel your beat, there are filters to help!  

Couchsurfing allows you the "random" experience, the convos and the memories with random folks, but with a bit more security of verified profiles that prove who "you say you are".  That's the cool thing about Surfing and honestly, travel in general, the unexpected connections with strangers who can become friends!

 Have you tried out Couchsurfing?  Would you?  Leave a comment and let me know!